Monday, April 27, 2009

Five years, my brain hurts a lot

And here I am again, finally. Get ready for a brief run-down of all the things that have happened in my m.i.a. month, played to the tune of "Five Years" by David Bowie. Because I'm feeling a spectacular combination of benevolence and guilt, I'll even provide a video so that you, dear reader, won't be stuck with the daunting task of recalling the lyrics to the afforementioned epic (that, of course, excludes Beth. I'm confident that YOU know every word).

This one goes out to you, Beth

>> I made my show cards, and they're being printed right now. To be mailed soon: (front and back)

>> I also made my graduation announcements, but you don't get to see them yet.

>> On April 11th I was chrismated, so I'm now officially Orthodox

>> Beth and Jehoaddan's shows opened. I'm so proud of my babies.

>> The lovely Lehua took my graduation pictures. Keep tuned, folks. Coming soon.

And of course, in the meanwhile I'm taking life 5 minutes at a time, trying not to panic about my show in 3 1/2 short short weeks, graduation, jobs, etc. And of course, it's not working and I'm having daily panic attacks.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

lookie lookie

I've been toying with the idea of a costume party for my next birthday, and after this excellent find there's no going back: (think Eagle vs. Shark, without all the New Zealand weirdness and sexual tension)

A Magic Cabin exclusive, these costumes can be found only at!

I think these will be the dress code of the day. Also, be sure to take a look at the cloaks, royal capes, and "great celestial silk." (!!!) If everyone wore the great celestial silk I would be overwhelmed with happiness.

Monday, April 6, 2009

With just 30 simple questions you, too, can discover yourself!

I am and always have been a sucker for the personality type quizzes. I remember the day I first read the "INFJ" description and was OVERWHELMED by the clear encompassing of my very being. I was so overwhelmed, in fact, that I failed to work on Integrated Design 2, which happened to be the class I was in at the time, thus bringing the wrath of Mark upon me. Which only meant that I had to pretend like I was working instead of blatantly looking like I wasn't. 

Ever since then I've had a strange mixture of dread and desire when it comes to retaking said quizzes. On one hand I want to see if I'll come out the same. On the other hand, what if I don't? Do I leave well enough alone or do I reassure myself in my personal continuity? This is the eternal question.

Today I was reassured:

You Are An INFJ !!

"The Protector"

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.

Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.

You are an excellent listener with almost infinite patience. 

You have complex feelings, and you take great care to express them.

In love, you see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow.

You enjoy relationships when they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.

At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.

You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable

Aha! Now I finally understand why people act uncomfortably around me! They can't wait to get away from my weak, unstable manipulation. BUT on the bright side, at least I'm the Protector. Are you the Protector? No, that's me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

twentyfour// special hummus edition


WOW AM I SO ADDICTED TO THIS STUFF! It was Monday evening when I bought the Fresh & Easy "big hummus" which is none other than 16oz of pure chickpea garlic delight, and now it is Wednesday afternoon and I find myself missing about 9 1/2oz of it. That's right folks, in essentially a day I ate more than half the hummus. Right now I am contemplating eating it with a spoon, the flavor just GETS ME so.

Incidentally, I have a really intense canker sore between my gum and bottom lip that may or may not be related to the serious influx of salt and garlic that has come my way in the past 24 hours.

And apparently this guy really likes hummus too:
because he made some all by himself. Guess where I found this out. That's right, Google image. Just type in "fresh & easy" hummus, and what you will not find is a picture of the "big hummus" that I have been consuming. What you will find is about 4 pages worth of pictures documenting Ben's hummus preparation.

Which reminds me, my mother, the health nut that she once was, used to make hummus in our village out of chickpeas and not much else. It was distinctively thick and grainy, impossible to spread and unmistakably made of chickpeas. Hence the reason I only started appreciating hummus about a year ago. But let me assure you, since then I've made up for lost time.

Let me also assure you that I am not eating it with a spoon right now. I know you've been thinking about that with disdain and revulsion ever since paragraph one. Stop judging. It never happened.

(unless you count the fork that I used last night)


You may think that the title is a typo, but you would be wrong. I aptly named this post "twentyTREE" because today I am dealing with the ever fascinating and enriching subject of spirit animals. Of course, spirit animals live in nature, and so do trees. Obviously.

Anyway. I went through a big spirit animal kick about a year ago. In this phase I took quizzes, read wikipedia, and did many Google image searches of various animals. Ultimately I ended up deciding on our spirit animals by intuition alone.




Was I not correct?