Wednesday, February 18, 2009

five// in which i may or may not have appendicitis

Today was not my day. First of all, aerobics. We don't need to talk any more about aerobics. But then this thing happened when I got home from the aforementioned class and collapsed onto my bed for a couple of minutes. This thing that happened was, I tried to get up and was immediately confronted with a searing, crippling pain in my lower right abdomen, right by the hip bone.

As in, yes, that IS where the appendix is.

By clutching my side and moving slowly I was able to reach my computer, in crippling pain, to google-self-diagnose. Because, I'll just go ahead and admit this right now: I am terrified of appendicitis, and that's the first thing I thought of when the pain hit me. According to the all knowing Internet, my symptoms were exactly those of appendicitis (intense pain, lower right abdomen, applied pressure slightly relieved pain), which both terrified and shamed me. I generally despise the hyper paranoid that self-diagnose and then rush to the ER. But I was seriously considering the ER at this point, because this was the point where movement induced nausea.

SOLUTION: call the Health Center. Five times. They finally answer and say, there's nothing we can do for you. Go to the Urgent Care down the street. Ok. Should I? Maybe.

No. I refuse to rush off, willy nilly to the ER. So I decided to wait it out, and, aided by three Excedrin, within an hour I could walk again. And what do you know, it's gradually worn off throughout the day until now, at 1:30 am when I am proudly announcing that I am PAIN FREE. And boy am I glad I didn't go to the Urgent Care down the street. Although in hindsight that might actually have been a good idea. Chances are, a little trip to the emergency room could have gotten me out of all this homework that I'm avoiding right now yet still have to finish by tomorrow.

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