Thursday, February 12, 2009

three// on some recent incidents

The last few weeks have been marked by a series of unfortunate events, namely involving the regrettable PE requirements of our school. Of which I have only completed half. Because of which I have to take two PE classes this semester, my final semester of college.

So I'm taking Walking and Jogging, no big deal. That's fine. But the other one, that one last requirement, has been giving me endless amounts of grief. Beth and I, having already experienced Beginning Bowling together, signed up for Advanced Bowling: the next level up in the bowling hierarchy of classes. But then we remembered, OH YEAH, handicaps. We won't be getting any now that we've attained the "advanced" status. Faced with extreme humiliation and an average score of 90, we dropped the class. Only to add, are you ready for this, BEGINNING AEROBICS. Or as some might call it, GOSPEL aerobics.

This is a disaster. Our first class today involved (and was not limited to): gospel music, kicking, squats, holding your arms in the air until they're going to fall off, and many combinations of motions that I am not physically capable of. Like complicated foot movements performed simultaneously with rhythmic arm waving, followed directly by push ups. Which I am also incapable of. Which, incidentally, make me feel like I'm going to throw up; there was bile in my mouth at one point. Sweat streaming, nauseous and shaking, constantly losing my balance and in danger of toppling, I realized that I'm going to have trouble moving at all tomorrow. AND FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, as long as I'm in this class.

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